David Atchley, PE, PLS

Mr. Atchley contributes many years of experience and an extensive knowledge of surveying, civil engineering and hydraulic design. Since 1984, he has been involved in all phases of site design and construction of residential, commercial and industrial development throughout the Midwest.

- BS, Agricultural Engineering, University of Illinois
- Certificate of Business Administration, University of Illinois

Professional Registration
- Illinois Registered Professional Engineer, 1991
- Illinois Registered Professional Land Surveyor, 1990
- IDPH Asbestos Project Designer, 1999
- Ohio Registered Professional Engineer, 1999

- Illinois Professional Land Surveyors Association

Project Experience
NorthTrail Meadows, Peoria, IL
Project manager and design team professional for a 110-acre residential subdivision, including 20 acres of multi-family housing and a 5-acre commercial center, all built around a 24-acre park.

Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL
Project manager for a 30-acre topographic survey for the expansion of university facilities and the closure of 7th Street. Scope of the work included mapping above-ground and below-ground features of public, private, and university-owned infrastructure.

Capital Development Board , Illinois
Managed project for an asbestos survey of approximately 165 buildings at various facilities throughout Central Illinois. Scope of the work included the preparation of inspection, sampling and management plans for each building surveyed.

Saline Branch Drainage District, Champaign County
Project engineer for the district, in charge of reviewing all construction projects within the Saline Branch Drainage District.

Hickory Grove Subdivision, Peoria, IL
Project manager and design team professional for 40-acre, high-density residential subdivision with 7 acres of multi-family housing.

Village of Ludlow, Ludlow, IL
Project manager and design team professional for the design of sanitary sewers within the village of Ludlow. Project funding was through IEPA Unsewered Community Grant and CDAP Construction Grant.

Village of Melvin, Melving, IL
Project manager and design team professional for the design of the reinforcement of a water main along with upgrading and replacement of existing treatment plant and water tower.

Links of Interest:
University of Illinois, Dept Agricultural & Biological Engineering
Explanation of Professional Engineer
Illinois Society of Professional Engineers
Ohio Society of Professional Engineers
National Society of Professional Engineers