UST/LUST Assessment & Remediation

Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) are tanks that have at least 10% of their volume underground. They are generally used to store petroleum, and are found in various locations other than the typical service station setting -- residences, factories, businesses, farms, and marinas. Leaks, spills, and overfills from USTs and associated piping pose many threats to the health and safety of communities, specifically toward groundwater contamination. Although potential problems exist with USTs, correcting a problem is possible and most often quick. Removing the UST from the ground and performing a site asessment in the surrounding soils will determine the existence and extent of potential contamination.

Illinois has developed the Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Fund to aid in the cost needed to clean a property contaminated by petroleum USTs.

Since 1999, HDC has been involved with dozens of LUST projects in various stages. We have closed numerous sites by securing No Further Remediation/Action awards while recovering eligible costs from the LUST Fund.

For more information about USTs and LUSTs, click here to view the EPA UST website. Click here to learn more about IL state LUST remediation programs.

LUST in the ground, prior to removal

LUST being removed for cutting, cleaning, & disposal

UST cut open for cleaning

UST being cleaned for disposal

Excavation after UST removal