Kevin Saylor, PE
  Kevin Saylor, PE
Mr. Saylor was named Environmental Division Manger for HDC Engineering in January 2005. He is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Environmental Division, including budgetary responsibilities, personnel and project management, and staff/resource scheduling and coordination.
Mr. Saylor has over 10 years of environmental experience, both in private industry and in the public sector (state agency). He has had experience in Phase I, II, and III environmental site assessments and subsequent subsurface investigations and remediation, leaking underground storage tanks, the Illinois Site Remediation Program, Brownfields management, RCRA Closure, laboratory analysis of soil and groundwater samples, Safe Drinking Water Act compliance, and review of water system distribution plans and specifications.
- BS, Civil Engineering, University of Illinois
Certification/Technical Training
- Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plans and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans
- Asbestos Project Designer
- ASTM E2600 Vapor Intrusion Screening
Project Experience
LUST project, Champaign, IL
Phase II investigation, CAP preparation, implementation and reporting, reimbursement application for LUST site.
LUST project (automotive service station), Bloomington, IL
Design and execution of high priority delineation and corrective action activities for IL LUST site.
LUST project, LeRoy, IL
Design and execution of high priority delineation and corrective action activities for IL LUST Program and Site Remediation Program related to chlorinated solvents.
Various regional LUST projects
Conducted IEPA Early Action Activities when applicable, designed and executed Site Classification and high priority work, and secured LUST reimbursement funds.
Various UST removal projects, Champaign County, IL
Performed vapor freeing, grounding, cutting, and cleaning activities for UST removals.
Bank Illinois, Champaign, First Midwest Bank, Urbana
Conducted multiple Phase I ESAs on downtown commercial and urban residential properties for each of the above clients. Performed subsequent Phase II investigations as needed.
Hudson Technologies, Busey Bank, Rantoul
Performed an environmental audit to identify potential business environmental risk conditions associated with a new lease agreement.
Cox Transfer, Eureka, IL
Field screened soil samples for BTEX using mobile lab to determine extent of contamination during excavation of contaminated soil.
Harnett County, NC and CRSWMA, NC
Statistical analysis of landfill groundwater monitoring results. Drafted groundwater flow diagrams using ACAD.
Reviewed plans and specifications for public drinking water systems for approximately 25 counties. Served as Nitrate and Total Coliform Rule Manager tracking compliance with the SDWA for approximately 10,000 systems.
NC State University, Raleigh, NC
Assisted with remediation of a Superfund site, including bid preparation, treatability study design and implementation, and remedial design planning and documentation.
Norfolk-Southern Railroad
Bid preparation, design, and execution of Phase II ESAs.
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