Zahnd Park Projects
The Zahnd Park parking lot is an asphalt parking lot provided for large events for little league, pony league and youth football games at the park. HDC Engineering worked with the Champaign Park District to provide 128 parking spaces within an existing gravel parking lot that was a maintenance issue while serving park events. Areas of expertise and services provided by HDC to this project were:
- Provided topographic survey showing all existing parking lot features and adjacent improvements.
- Established benchmarks and horizontal control.
- Provided design, quantity and cost estimates, and drafting for site engineering plans to construct the new parking lot.
- Provided construction layout of the parking lot and inspection of
The End Result
A 128 space parking lot with 123 standard parking spaces and 5 handicap spaces that are dust free and easy to travel for the public. The parking lot will provide parking for large athletic events that frequent the park.
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